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Monday, September 24, 2012

Cheap lashes ????

Do you love false lashes and special effects makeup as much as i do ???

want to know a way to get both DIRT cheap ???

Its simple 

WAIT until halloween is over and go to your local drug stores, most of the time they are anywhere from 50-75% off or more 

last year i bought 5 pairs of feather lashes for $2 total

Also i bought tons of cream makeup - white and black for .50 each 

Another tip to get them even cheaper 

go to wallgreens cvs or rite aid places that have rewards 

and use your rewards bucks to pay for your whole purchase 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Could this item be causing acne ???

Lets face it we are all hooked to our cell phones

Literally i can not go 100 feet without knowing where my cell is ha-ha. Well that cell phone of yours could be causing you breakouts.

We use out cell phone a ton throughout the day. When we talk on it its right beside out face, or if your lazy like me rested on the side of your face. All of that bacteria from your face is going on your phone and vise versa.

To help prevent breakouts on the sides of your cheeks and face, just wipe your phone down at least once a week with a clorox or some sort of disinfecting wipe. Simple and it could really save your skin.